
Go Wash

  • Startup Advisory
  • Branding
  • Website Development
  • SEO
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Photography & Videography
Go-Wash is a car washing brand that only uses 2 buckets to clean your car and does it at your doorstep. It came to us as a project to grow and reach all over the town and in the end, it happened!

How we startedcold-pressed raw

We started with Go Wash by improving their Logo. An element of what they do was added to the logo to make it self-explanatory. A good time was given to Brand Development to create a strong project to back up their large goals.

What achievements

Go Wash was a new brand when they came to us with the name Ease Go Wash. We rebranded it with the name “Go Wash” which was shorter and easier to remember. We gave them a lot of directions and concepts, which later enabled them to boost their revenue to 3x.

  • Go Wash came with some 300 hundred followers and we lead it to 1227 organically.
  • Our digital marketing team gave them 150 leads per day.
  • Even during the lockdown, they got 55% of the conversion from Digital Marketing.
  • Go Wash a successful idea and executionGo Wash is the result of magic by our Digital Marketing team